
Premium Tequila Label Design
Creating a Label Design for Premium Vodka
American Whiskey by WHISKEY KINGS.
A Packaging Design project for an iconic Louisiana product.
Label Design for ROSE CHAMPAGNE
Creating a Label Design for San Galla Blended Whiskey
Bourbon Whiskey Label Design
Bottle Shape Design and Label Design for Premium Tequila
Liqueur Bottle Shape Design and Label Design
Label Design for Premium Tequila Cafe Liqueur
Vintage Label for Italian wine Montepulciano D'Abruzzo
Brand design and packaging design for premium JIGSAW Unique Gin


I have multiple years of experience working various design studios and in marketing departments of the alcohol industry.
Working on a project, I use a combined method – all-side Marketing Analysis with Design thoughts solving the task.

I will be pleased to create together with you an interesting design that will make your brand individual and distinctive.

I'm glad to work with you on projects 1 to 1.

Member since: March 15, 2018


"Vasily not only does a fantastic job, but he is incredible fast. Never seen anything like it before! He's amazing."
Profile picturebilfr reviewed 2 days ago
"ERA delivered stunning, timely designs with great attention to detail. His creative approach and responsiveness to feedback made our collaboration smooth and successful. Highly recommend for impactful, professional design work!"
Profile pictureRgoroyan reviewed 19 days ago
"Als always. Quick and professional. I highly recommend Vasily!"
Anonymous client reviewed 20 days ago
"as always good job , "
Profile pictureRgoroyan reviewed 28 days ago
"Excellent - very responsive and patient. Great design ideas."
Profile pictureryane.donaldsoc reviewed 29 days ago